By the time my supervisor returned
to my desk to check on me (two minutes, tops), I was hyperventilating as I
wrestled with the decision to hide in my cubicle while I made a feeble attempt
to get my shit together, or make a run for the ladies room and risk running
into more witnesses. I am an “ugly crier;” there’s no hiding my red, splotchy
skin and puffy, bloodshot eyes under those fluorescent lights. Luckily my sup
made the decision for me and ushered me off into the nearest private office and
closed the door while she tried to help me calm down.
I told her that I couldn’t handle
this shit. I cannot deal with people screaming at me and verbally abusing me on
a daily basis. She tried to assure me that I don’t have to put up with it; when
a customer acts like that we’re allowed to immediately put them on hold and
find a manager or supervisor to take the call. This is great, but what’s the
limit? I can’t be transferring calls every time someone yells at me. I’m trying
to prove myself, so I keep trying to do a good job while waiting for this
bullshit to stop getting under my skin and bothering me so much, but it’s just
not working.
She got me calmed down and told me
to take a break, splash some cold water on my face, and go back to my desk when
I was ready. I did just that, and walked around outside for a bit, but I just
couldn’t seem to catch my breath. Thankfully, I knew that my lunch break was
scheduled in about 15 minutes anyway, so I figured I should just take a few
more calls in the meantime because the longer I put it off, the harder it was
going to be.
When I got back to my desk, a
coworker had left me a message that said, “Don’t feel bad, it happens to all of
us.” I thought that was sweet and I really appreciated the sentiment, but I was
still fighting back tears on every call. I didn't even bother trying to sell anyone
a single product or service. I just wanted to get off the phone. Just tell me what you want so I can get off
this phone. Thank God my lunch is an hour long.
I started to feel a little better
during lunch. I must have looked like shit. The nice lady who runs the cash
register in the cafeteria told me I looked like I could use some comfort food.
The same coworker who left me the message came to check on me and make sure I
was okay before she left for the day. She gave me some really good advice about
things that she does to deal with difficult customers. “Last year, I decided
I’d had enough. I wasn’t going to let it upset me anymore. I wasn’t going to
let it make me sad. I wasn’t going to let it make me feel sick.” And I
appreciate that but I don’t know HOW to do that, how to just shut off my
reaction like nothing happened.
Toward the end of my lunch break, I
checked the clock and realized I had 15 minutes to get back to my desk.
Normally I would be happy about that; I had a nice meal and I still have plenty
of time to kick back and relax. We have a really nice break room with a large
TV and comfortable couches and I always feel reenergized at the end of my
lunch. Today, though, as soon as I saw the time I started to panic. I only have 15 more minutes before I have to
get back on the phone. I could feel my heart start racing and beating
harder. My throat and chest felt tight and I could feel sweat pooling under my
arms. Just the thought of getting back on the phone was filling me with dread
and making me feel nauseous.
Suck it up,
buttercup. As I made my way back to my desk, the supervisor I had spoken
with earlier waved me over and asked me, “Are you feeling better?” I just shook
my head. “What’s wrong?” I asked her if we could speak in private, and she led
me back to an empty office and closed the door.
As soon as I started talking, the
tears started again. I told her that I needed to know what my options were, if
any, to remain with the company but transfer to a different department. I know
that the policy is that you’re not eligible for a promotion until you’ve been
in your current department for at least 12 months, but I wasn’t sure if that
applied if you were willing to “downgrade” or be demoted or whatever. “I really
want to work here, but I don’t know if I can make it through 9 more months of
this.” She told me to wait while she spoke with the department manager who I
think is in charge of HR or something like that, and then sent me over to her
I repeated my concerns to the
manager, crying the entire time. She didn’t bring up the 12-month policy, but
she did tell me that right now there just isn’t anything else available for her
to transfer me. I told her that I don’t think I can take this daily onslaught
of verbal abuse. It’s not just once in a while, it’s every day. Every single day
and not once has it been because of anything I’ve done wrong. People are just
rude and nasty and I’ve been screamed at every single day for every reason
imaginable, and none of them have anything to do with me.
“I like working here. I think this
seems like a great company to work here and I had really high hopes of making
this a career, but I can’t deal with this shit. I could understand if I had
done something wrong, but 9 times out of 10 it’s not even something the bank
has done wrong. People make mistakes with their accounts or don’t pay their
bill on time and get charged a late fee or don’t understand how interest is
calculated and somehow that’s my fault and they’re screaming at me.”
This isn’t a customer service issue,
either. I’ve worked in customer service in various positions in different
industries for 18 years. I’ve never had a job where I wasn’t somehow in
customer service. I’ve never been treated this poorly at any other job, and
experiencing it every single shift makes me anxious and sick to my stomach.
People exhibit behaviors on the phone that they would never show in public. If
you walked into a bank branch and started screaming and cussing at a bank
teller, you would be asked to leave or forcibly removed by security, so why do
you think it’s acceptable on the phone?
Sorry that you've been having such a bad experience. I've worked in call centers for over 10 years and it truly is amazing how people will act over the phone. My best advice is to try to distance yourself emotionally from abusive callers. When I get a caller like the one you described, I tend to view them as a toddler having a tantrum. It is not about you-they don't care one way or the other about you-you are simply the mouthpiece of the "big, bad bank" that has upset them. And, just like with a toddler having a tantrum, trying to explain things rationally (like you did when you told the caller it would be illegal for the bank to do what he was accusing them of) is not going to get you anywhere. Just let them vent, acknowledge that they are upset, tell them you will try to help them and do your best to do so. If that does not satisfy the person-realize you can only do your best and some people will not be satisfied. If you are able to transfer an abusive caller to a supervisor, do so when you need to. Above all, remember that is isn't personal.