Friday, April 5, 2013

I just don't understand why your computer can't read my mind!

Actual conversation I had with a customer today:

Stupid Customer (SC): I don't know what the problem is with your automated system that it didn't recognize my phone number!

Me: The phone number that you're calling from doesn't match the primary number on this account.  I can update that for you, though.

SC: Well, this is just a temporary number and then it's going to go back to 555-555-1212. I just don't understand why it didn't recognize my phone number!

Me: Ma'am, the system cannot recognize a phone number that we don't have on file. Would you like me to update your information?

SC: No, because this number is just temporary! I'm only using this phone for a few weeks and then I'm going back to 555-555-1212.

Me: ...We don't have that phone number on file, either.

(I read off both of the phone numbers on her account. Neither one has been updated in about 10 years.)

SC: I don't have that phone number any more! I don't understand what the problem is with your system!

Me: We only know that your number has changed if you tell us. I'd be happy to correct that information, though. Just a moment...

(I update her phone number and verify it again, just to be sure.)

SC: I just don't understand what's wrong with your automated system that it didn't recognize my phone number when I called!

Me: (::facepalm::)...Is there anything else I can help you with today?


  1. And yet, imagine how much this SC would freak out if your system actually did know their new number.

    1. I have had a few customers whom I am entirely convinced wear tinfoil hats.
